Not everyone is called to fly across the world to be a missionary, but we are all called to be God's light and witness where ever we are. Your mission field is all around you, at your school, your job, your home and your neighborhood. There are a lot of hurting and lost people around you that just need to hear that there is hope, peace and joy in Jesus Christ. Let your flame of fire burn right where you are.
A baby is born as a result of a man and a woman being together in an intimate way. In the spiritual realm, when the Holy Spirit and the spirit of man or woman come together, a new spiritual being is born, that is what Jesus was referring to as being reborn or born again. Just as we know that we were physically born, we can have confidence in knowing that we can be spiritually reborn.
Just as we were physically born into a family, when we are born spiritually, we are born into a spiritual family with God as our Father. We are adopted into His family and become joint heirs of His throne. Jesus assures us of our relationship with our Father and helps us to develop that relationship. He unites us with our brothers and sister in Christ, giving each of us different gifts and abilities.
Once we fully understand our status as adopted sons and daughters of God, we realize that there is no status in the world that can come close to being a child of the creator of the universe.
A physical birth is the beginning of a new life and new relationships. As we spend time with our new family, we become closer. Our spiritual relationship with God grows as well as we spend time with Him. The Holy Spirit helps us develop that intimate relationship with our heavenly Father. He brings us into the presence of God.
Ephesians 2:18 For through him we both (Jews and Gentiles) have access by one Spirit unto the Father.
This is what it means for a Christian to experience God in the Trinity. Through Jesus, by the Spirit, we have access to the presence of God. Jesus, through His death on the cross, removed the barrier between us and God, so we are able to come into God’s presence.
Not only does the Holy Spirit bring us into the presence of God, He also helps us to pray. There are times we do not know how to pray, but the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. It does not matter where we pray, if we are standing or kneeling, or the words that we pray, it only matters if we are praying in the Spirit. All prayers should be led by the Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit’s help, our prayers can become lifeless and fruitless.
That is why I say that the Holy Spirit is for today, not just for the bible times. We were not meant to live life alone, so Jesus gave us a comforter. Without Him our prayers are powerless. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, you just need to acknowledge Him and build a relationship with Him. He is a gentleman and will not force Himself on you, and is waiting for you to allow Him to help, guide, and comfort you.
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