He will make His ministers a Flame of Fire.
Heb. 1:7
Thy word is truth.
John 17:17
Flame of Truth (FOT) is a 501-C3 Ministry registered in the State of Texas since 1966. Directed by Richard and Linda Hough, and founded by Melvin and Anna High.
The FOT Ministry was born to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. Reaching the lost at any cost, Ministering to the lost and hurting, to the sick and the poor with no one left behind, and assisting other fellow Missionaries on and off the mission field.
There are many churches founded and established under the FOT (Flama de la Verdad) Ministry in Mexico and Central America. Dr. Reyna is the President of Flama de la Verdad in Mexico and Pastor Rosendo is the Vice-President. They oversee the churches in Mexico and start new ones. Click button below to see more info on the Mexico ministry page.
Melvin High Sr. was born April 16, 1929 and married Sept. 25, 1948 to his wife Anna K Zook-High. They arrived on the Mission Field in Mexico on January 7th of 1963, after traveling 2000 miles with 9 little missionaries, $6 in his pocket and a tank full of gas in an old rundown 1954 Ford Station Wagon with all his family's belongings in tow in a one-wheel trailer, and a faith that could move mountains.
Melvin had an 8th grade education, customary in the Mennonite/Amish faith, and went through the school of hard knocks. He later went on to earn his GED and three Doctorate Degrees.
God gave Melvin the gift of the Spanish Language after depending on an interpreter for a long time. He now teaches the Spanish language to others.
April 16, 2022, Melvin celebrated his 93rd birthday. Still going strong preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Check out this great video for a little history on the ministry