Our Flame of Truth ministry in the country of Mexico has many different faces. Richard, Linda and I minister in different places in Mexico, as does Dr. Reyna, the President of "Flama de la Verdad", and Pastor Rosendo Garcia, the Vice-President. We leave all the managing of the churches in Mexico to them.
Pastor Rosendo Garcia is another one of our Mexico representatives and the Vice President of Flama de la Verdad.
Pastor Rosendo says "Melvin High taught us how to do mission work, so it is up to us to do it". He is busy pastoring a church in Charco Azul, "Vid Verdadera ".
Pastor Rosendo also helps to manage our existing churches in Mexico and ministers to them, making sure their needs are met. He has built 2 mission churches in the mountains and brought others under the FOT Ministry wings. He continues to minister to them on a regular basis. Please keep him and his wife in your prayers as they travel into Mexico sharing the gospel.
Pastor Rosendo is another man of integrity, and I trust him with all my heart. Should God speak to your heart to support him God will bless you in a very special way. Flame of Truth office handles his funds at no cost to him or his ministry, and one hundred percent of what comes in goes to where it is designated. Find him on the "Donate" page, with further instructions.
Dr. José Angel Reyna serves as President on the Flama de la Verdad board of directors. He is a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Mexico.
He is a Missionary Medical Doctor who helps so many people that can't afford their medication or treatments, he travels and holds medical clinics in the remote and underprivileged villages. He gave up his professional medical career and lives solely on faith and donations.
Dr Reyna also is our representative in Mexico for "Kids Against Hunger". He takes the meals with him into the villages and ministers to their physical body, meeting their medical needs and spiritual needs at the same time.
Dr Reyna has been our representative to work with the people in the state of Oaxaca that had severe earthquake damages. He is a very dedicated man.
Dr Reyna is a man of integrity, we trust him with all our hearts. Should God speak to your heart to support Dr Reyna, God will bless you in a very special way. Flame of Truth office handles his funds at no cost to him or his ministry, and one hundred percent of what comes in goes to where it is designated. Find him on the "Donate" page, with further instructions.
Ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard and those that hunger for more.
Melvin praying for those responding to the altar call. In Mexico the people have very little, so their only hope is in Jesus. They walk for hours to meet with us for prayer.
Kids coming from miles away to hear God's word. Annually we teach getting up close to 1000 children locally and throughout the villages in Mexico.
Giving Christmas gifts to those less fortunate families that they could not have afforded otherwise.
Providing funds, materials and labor to build churches in Mexico to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Medical clinic that Dr Reyna takes into the remote villages, meeting the needs of those villagers that have no money for health care.
A funded program feeding those less fortunate in remote villages throughout Mexico. Each case contains 32 packets, each packet feeds a family of 8 feeding a total of 256 people.
Delivering backpacks and school supplies to the children in the interior of Mexico.
A video ministry, bringing a bible study course to those desiring to be ministers of God's word. This course meets the government requirements for Pastoral ordination. We provide a DVD player and 32 DVDs of 4 hours of training each (128 hrs).