732 El Dora Road
Donna Texas, 78537
(956) 420-1777 (office)
(956) 778-3615 (Linda's Cell)
January 2025
To all our friends and supporters:,
A new year is upon us, and what was done for Christ is now stored up as treasures in heaven. This year we hope for new and greater things that we can accomplish through Jesus Christ. Our goal is to continually bring more souls into his kingdom, and support the growth of churches in Mexico.
My parents, Melvin and Anna High, at the ages of 95 and 93 are doing well. Dad had a rough time for a while, as he came down with influenza A and was hospitalized. When he came home, he then developed a hematoma from coughing too hard and again was hospitalized. The doctors had a hard time getting the internal bleeding to stop, without surgery. Ten days later, he was released into a nursing home for therapy to get back on his feet again. He is now home and recuperating and back into his daily Facebook prayer and is planning on teaching a sixteen-week Spanish class next month. My mother needs help with her everyday tasks and we are praying for someone to come and help as a care giver to free me up to be able to help more with the Mexico ministry.
We are getting some much-needed TLC done here on the home front. We appreciate my sister Carol and her family who continually keep the yard cleaned up and Carol also helps to care for my parents. My brother John was here last month and helped trim trees and put up eve spouts. My brother Clair is here now replacing some of the window panes that were broken. His wife Lori has been cooking meals and helping to care for mom.
My brother Jr and his son Kevin’s family will be coming next week and I am sure we can find something for them to do around here and with the ministry. Sister Sarah is coming to help in February. We continue to pray for God to lay it upon someone’s heart to come and stay here with us on the campground and help here on the home front.
On the home front, it seems like when it rains it pours. We had an inspection of the food pantry and one of the freezers was not up to code because it was at 4 degrees, but would not get as cold as -4 degrees. At the same time, every washing machine in our campground laundry room had broken down. We were able to get 2 of them fixed but had to replace one of them. One of the machines that we had fixed is still throwing fits and it is one day past the warranty date so it looks like we will be purchasing still another. God is our source and we know He will provide our needs.
We just had our Flame of Truth board meeting, and it was noted that there were less donations in 2024 than the previous, but we felt it seemed like we were able to put so much more into the mission work and get more accomplished. That is just like our God and how He likes to work. Moving forward this new year, our desire is to complete the work on some of the missions that still need our help and support. With new pastors joining the ministry, we pray for provisions to be able to meet their needs with their church buildings as well as spreading the gospel to all people.
In Vera Cruz, one of our missions had their roof destroyed by a hurricane so Richard was able to go and help replace it. He is afraid of heights, but he was able to keep his feet planted on solid ground and helped to supply the men on the roof with the materials they needed.
The chicken farm project in El Cañon created to raise funds to support their church and their community, had their first group of chickens sold. They didn’t make as much as they had hoped for due to some of the chickens dying off. They could not figure out why they were dying, but Pastor Humberto walked around the perimeter of the chicken coup praying and they were healed and they did not lose anymore. They are ready to begin raising the second round of chicks.
The Christmas program exceeded our expectations as we were blessed with over 800 children in our churches this year. We are believing God for an increase in funds to gift all the children for next year. No child is turned away, we are still blessing them with large bags of candy as we continue to visit the villages. Pastor Rosendo has been making trips as he can, attending special services and gifting the children with bags of candy. We pray for continued support, traveling mercies, and strength as he continues to travel and still pastoring the flock God has given him.
We thank you for your continued support and pray God’s blessings upon you this new year!
Your servants in Christ:
Richard and Linda Hough
Melvin and Anna High
If you would like to donate to any of the projects listed in the newsletter, You can donate here. Please note which church you would like to sponsor.